Type of text to be used for a password in silent installation
I do have a question regarding the unattended installation of Decisions, when using the configuration file in conjunction with the Decisionsinstaller.exe executable. It appears that when an unattended installation is occurring, the configuration file needs to be fully populated with items like Account Domain Names and their associated passwords as well as other things like the database name in the SQL server (which I believe is set to decisions).
My question is: Within the configuration file that is used for the unattended installation, does the password field have to be encrypted or can it be plain text? Can I put plain text passwords in the configuration file or not?
If the file used is in plain text format then we can make changes to the password and provide a new one but if the file is encrypted then it is not possible to change the password until it is decrypted.
If the .xml file used for unattended installation is not encrypted, then we can define the DB password in the plain text itself in the file and don't require any encrypted data for it.
Howdy, Stranger!
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