How can you use Form Validation Rules to show the correctness of entered data in a field?

I have a Form in which a user enters information into a Text Box field. I want the Form field to give feedback if the entered data fulfills set validations. Is this possible?


  • Hi there,

    We can accomplish this by utilizing the field’s Control Validation Settings found under the Validations property in the Form Designer.

    By opening Control Validation Settings and enabling the Override Validation Settings, we can enable the Display No Issue Validation setting.

    By doing this, we can control what is shown to the end user when they enter correct data. This example changes the Text Box’s background and border to green in addition to showing the end user a small message when the entered data is valid.

    The resulting Form field when the data is invalid:

    The resulting Form field when the data is valid:

    Note: The example above shows only a visual representation of the comparison logic for if an entered field is valid. To insert logic that actually checks the information entered, you must set up an Active Form Flow Rule found under the Form’s Form Rules found in the Properties tab.

    For more on Active Form Flows:

    Hope this helps!

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