How to Prevent Users from Seeing Flow Errors?
I am trying to build a website that displays Decisions forms in a iFrame. Users of my website can fill out the Decisions form from main website. However, while testing I noticed that If the user encounters an error in the flow displaying the form, they would be redirected to the Decisions portal instead of the main website. How do I stop this?
Hello there!
One such way you can prevent this is by adding a Catch Exception step followed by a End Form Session step configured with a redirect URL pointing to your main website (please see our documentation on configuring this):
If you know where the flow tends to error out, you could check "Add Outcome for Exception" in the step properties, then once again redirect this path to the End Form Session step. This approach would allow you to add custom logging steps for each area the flow could fail, giving you more information on the Decisions end as to what error occurred without it being displayed to the user.
We hope this helps!
Howdy, Stranger!
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