How can I hide an assignment action button on a process folder?
The users are seeing both a "View" and "View Document" assignment action. They only want to see the "View Document" that will open the form. Is there a way to remove the other "View" button?
You can hide any assignment action using action visibility rules on an assignment configuration extension. This can be done in the the following way:
Note: Editing the Assignment Configuration Extension will apply the visibility rule globally. Therefore, it will hide the "View" assignment action button for every project.
1)Create assignment configuration extension in a designer folder.
Select CREATE DATATYPE/INTEGRATION > CONFIGURATION EXTENSION > Add Entity Actions and Configurations > Type Name > Select Dropdown > Assignment [DecisionsFramework.ServiceLayer.Services.Assignments.Assignment]
2) In Assignment Configurations select All > Action Visibility Rule > ‘Give Rule Name’ > Create
3) Set Action Visibility Rule. Action.Name Equals <Insert action you want to hide> (Ex. Action.Name Equals View)
For more information on Action Visibility Rules and Configuration Extensions.
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