Using Swimlanes
I'm new to Decisions and I'm trying to use swimlanes in a flow to add clarity to a flow for future support. I can't move actions from one lane to the other and really, I can't seem to do anything with swimlanes. There is no documentation on Swimlanes and nothing in the forums. Is this an officially supported feature?
EDIT: I did find documentation, but it's lacking practical detail such as moving items between lanes, or why items are locked to lanes:
Hi there,
Thank you for using Decisions and reaching out to us via the Support Forum. Yes, Swimlanes are an officially supported feature. We agree that our current documentation is lacking in some of its detail of this tool so we're taking steps internally to update it.
In the meantime, here's some further insight into Swimlanes and how they function. Steps are "locked" into their respective lanes by design as the purpose of Swimlanes is to provide visual distinctions between areas of a process or flow. When you're sure of which lane you want steps in, they should stay there. At the same time, we recognize that flow design is often a fluid process. To that end, you are able to move "locked" steps within a Swimlane, between Swimlanes and even move the lanes themselves.
Moving steps within lanes: Select the step and drag it using your mouse or the arrow keys.
Moving steps between lanes: Hold down the shift key, left click the step with your mouse and drag it to a new lane.
Moving lanes: Hover over the lane, hold the left click of the mouse and drag the lane to its new position.
Resizing lanes: Left click the lane to select it and adjust the lane using the orange bars.
Hope this helps!
Thank you so much! The SHIFT key was the trick! I appreciate the locking in of the steps, but was not aware of how to jump that line. Thank you for the thorough answer!
Howdy, Stranger!
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