How can I sort a list of items by Date/Time value?
While designing a Flow, I want to show a list of items sorted by a Date/Time. Any suggestions on how to go about this?
Hi there,
There are a couple ways we can do this. One solution could be utilizing a Rule Collection Sort step to sort a list of items by a Date/Time value. Once adding the step to a Flow, you can configure the step to sort a collection of items by Date/Time.
Within the Rule Collection Sort step properties, set the Input Collection as the list you want sorted by Date/Time. This example uses a list containing only Date Time types.
If we wanted to sort the list contents from the most recent Date/Time to the oldest, the following Rule can be used:
Sorted output results:
Another solution would be utilizing a Fetch Entities step which has a property allowing the Date/Time results to be ordered in a specific manner.
This fetch would return the field “__date” associated Date/Times in ascending order.
Hope this helps!
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