Form Not Refreshing When I Update Entities in Sub-Dialogue?
I am trying to get the entities being displayed in my form to refresh. Here's how my system works:
-I run a flow that fetches entities, then displays them in a data repeater within my form.
-I have a sub-dialogue box in each data repeater row that allows for the selected entity to be edited.
-The sub-dialogue shows another form where the edits can be made.
-After the edit is made, the user should be brought back to the original form.
However, when I update the entity in my sub-dialogue form, the main form does not reflect the updates. I know I could run a AFF to re-fetch the update entities, but those only trigger with another button/field clicked (not ideal) or on a timer (also not ideal). I am not sure the best way to implement this and wish this to be as user-friendly as possible. Any recommendations on how to approach this?
Hello there!
One suggestion we can make (if this does not impact your use-case in other areas) is to add an "Exit Form" step into your sub-dialogue flow after the entities have been updated. Then, re-fetch the entities and show your original form again. This should display the newly-updated results into the form and look smooth from your end-users' perspective.
We hope this helps!
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