How To Change Default Loading Indicator In Portal?
So I see the default blue spinning wheel while waiting on a flow to finish or a folder/project to open. I'd like to change this instance-wide to a custom image. I only see the report loading indicator in the Theme Editor. How would I change the loading indicator used for everything else in Decisions?
Hello there!
There are four basic steps to accomplish this:
1. Navigate to C:\Program Files\Decisions\Decisions Server\wwwroot\Content\Images and place the SVG file you want to use as the Loading Spinner.
2. Add the CSS snippet to below files:
C:\Program Files\Decisions\FileStorage\{TenantName}\styles\themes\theme.portal-custom.less
C:\Program Files\Decisions\FileStorage\{TenantName}\styles\themes\
3. Run the 'Rebuild Styles' action by right-clicking on System → Themes.
4. Clear your browser cache.
//CSS Snippet
.dp-spinner {
background-image: url("../../Content/Images/{yourspinner.svg}");
animation: none;
-webkit-animation: none;
background-position: center;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: cover;
.dp-spinner svg {
display: none;
#loading-overlay .initializtext {
display: none;
.dp-report-grid-holder__spinner-text {
display: none;
We hope this helps!
Howdy, Stranger!
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