How to Regenerate OAuth Token Using Azure Provider?


I'm trying to refresh Oauth tokens I'm creating, but neither the user action nor the Flow step "Refresh Token" seems to work.

I am using the Client Credentials option to authorize the Token. MS Azure is the provider for the Token. What should I be doing differently to refresh the token?


  • gregory_Decisions
    edited May 2024

    Hello there!

    First, can we ensure you have the right scope enabled? Scopes are permissions that limit an application's access to a user account. More information on required scopes can be found by referring to the application's API documentation. If you are using Azure, you should ensure that Offline Access is enabled to perform the refresh. Adding the line " offline_access" to the Token's Scope Field should help (shown in the documentation below). This gives the Token the necessary permissions to refresh offline.

    Also, if you are using Client Credentials, you will need to use the Reset Client Credentials step to perform the token refresh consistently (see documentation below). Running a scheduled job to perform this might be optimal.

    We hope this helps!


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