Conditionally hide Kebab menu on a report within a page

How would I go about hiding the kebab menu in the column header of a report on a page, the one that shows the filter, group, and sort options? I've tried doing this in CSS, but it messes with some of my sheets where I don't want to hide the filter/group/sort/kebab buttons. 


  • You can still do this with CSS. You will need to use the selector .dp-report-grid-viewer__actionsicon-holder , and use the property and value display: none

    To apply custom CSS to a report on your page, you first need to upload it under System > Designers > CSS > Add. Then go to the page designer for this dashboard, and navigate to Properties > STYLE > Style Sheets, and select the new style sheet.

    This will only hide the kebab menu that is displayed if the column is too narrow to display the "sort", "group", and "filter" buttons. It does not hide the buttons themselves. 

    To prevent the CSS from conflicting with other CSS designs, the simplest solution is to use multiple CSS files. You can have your main style sheet that you can apply to all pages, and a second style sheet with the style noted above. Then apply this secondary style sheet to only the pages that you need to hide the kebab menu

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