Can't Log Into my Account and PW Reset Doesn't Work, But Can see my Account in the Accounts Section?
So I cannot log into my account in Decisions. Whenever I try to log in, it says my password is incorrect. I know it is not. But anyways, whenever I try to send a password reset email, I never get it. WHY?
So here's the weird part. I logged in through a different admin account, and when I check the list of accounts, my other account is still there! I don't understand what's going on and why I cannot log in. Can you help?
Hello Toa_Lihkan!
Thank you for reaching out to Decisions support. There are two things we can check here to determine what might be going on.
1) Open the Query Editor in Decisions and search up the accounts table. You can do this by selecting any designer folder as an admin and right clicking to navigate to Other > Query Editor.
Then type the following query
SELECT * FROM entity_account
and scroll over the the user_type column. If this is set to "machine" instead of "person", then that would prevent you from logging in. To fix this, simply go to the accounts report you mentioned visiting earlier, select the faulty account, and edit the User Type field to be person.
2) Another issue might be that the entity_folder_id column might be Null. This may be the result of a faulty flow creating accounts and leaving fields blank. To resolve this, we recommend creating a flow using the following 3 steps in this order: Fetch Entities step, Create Data step, and Save Entities step. Use this flow to fetch the account, create the data for the entity_folder_id (ACCOUNT FOLDER), and save the changes made.
Note: We recommend not using an Update Entities step, as sometimes this has a tendency of leaving fields null.
We hope this helps resolve your problem!
-Gregory, Decisions Support
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