Upgrade Assistance
I'm the software engineering manager for a team that is using Decisions, We've recently undergone a restructure and now have a bit of a knowledge gap when it comes to Decisions. I am hoping that someone can give me some guidance on updating our current version, First off, how important it that we upgrade from our current version? Are we at risk if we continue to use this version? What is the level of difficulty we'll experience if we upgrade to the latest version? Are there significant challenges we're likely to face? Finally, what is the recommendation for version updates? Should I assume that we should always be on the latest version? Any help you can provide would be much appreciated!
It is important that you upgrade to the latest version of the application. Reason being, the fixes that we have provided for all the issues / bugs identified in the previous versions had been taken care of in the latest version. Also, if you would like to continue in the same version, you would miss an important security update which was fixed on the v8.11. after which we have re-revisioned all our latest versions. No, there will not be any significant challenges that you will face after the upgrade. Currently we are running on v8.16 and it is always recommended to run the application on the latest version.
You can find our release notes respective to the versions here - https://documentation.decisions.com/v99/docs/version-8x
Also, find our minor version upgrade documentation here - https://documentation.decisions.com/docs/minor-version-update-guide
Please let us know if you have any further queries regarding the same.
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