How to set multiple control values in one step on a form
I have a summary list panel and a details panel on 1 form. When I change the summary row the details panel will reflect the new/changed details. However, I want to use the active form flow vs. legacy input/output. Using the active form flow I have to update each form field object individually by using the "Set Control Value" step. I'm hoping there is a better or more efficient way to populate multiple field objects via 1 or 2 steps (Set multiple control values?). Is there such a solution or do I have to set each field value when the data changes? I appreciate your thoughts.
You can use a Create Data Step to function the same as a Set Control Value Step for multiple values if you Define the variables and then use the Change Value Output on the Form Data you want to set it to. Alternatively, you can also use the Change Value on the output of other steps/subflows if you are ready to set the value onto the Control.
The latter part of this doc article talks about it in more detail.
Hope that helps!
Thank you for follow-up. This was very helpful.
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