Websockets: Server to Client Push Notifications
Hey team,
I am building a custom JS comment section for an application. This comment section lives on a Case View page. When users send a comment I successfully call a Flow API that creates a new comment entity and saves it to the database, returning a list of all comments including the new one.
Now I am figuring out how to send a push notification to other clients with the comment section open and update their UI with a comment sent by another user.
A common way to achieve this outside of Decisions is to have a websocket on the server, which the client listens to.
Is there a similar flow behavior or some feature in decisions that would enable me to:
- Have a server-side service that listens for new comments
- Push the new comments to any client side UI that is listening for updates
I am trying to avoid having a client-side javascript setInterval() function that constantly polls for new comments for performance reasons.
Any help is appreciated! This may need to be something custom built using the SDK. .NET supports Websockets.
Howdy, Stranger!
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