Support required for Approving or Rejecting Assign

Support required for Approving or Rejecting Assign


  • Please if you can help me with appropriate step and/or documentation for following use case.

    We have a scenario where workflows will be called via REST API calls from a WebApp, that includes Approval Assignments too. Now further requirement is to:

    1. Access list of pending assigned tasks (approvals) for a user.
    2. Given the assignmentID, step ID, flow tracking ID etc, user must be able to approve (with comments) or reject (with comments) the assigned task via REST API call.

    I am able to get the pending assigned tasks (point 1) but I am not able to get any step that corresponds to point 2 of my requirement.

    What I am able to do till now is to create URL links like http://localhost/decisions/Primary/?action=respond&assignmentId=139d825a-ab29-422d-af17-9d0f02aed6b5&responseName=Approve

    with json data
    userid": ""

  • Hi,
    So there are a couple pieces to the solution that you are looking to have.
    You will need an assigned form created with an Action Outcome Path" (as shown in the screenshots below). These will allow you to specify a certain path via the Rest API call that allows the assigned user to approve or reject. In this flow then sends the Assignment Id

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