Need help doing changes in Excel
We are trying to read and edit an excel file using Decisions.
We need your help in achieving below tasks :- Copying entire row from excel along with styles and formatting and pasting it in a specified location.
Reading data from a checkbox" control
- Copying entire row from excel along with styles and formatting and pasting it in a specified location.
This documentation may be what you are looking for here: [url=]https[/url][url=://]:// [/url]
1. Copying entire row from excel along with styles and formatting and pasting it in a specified location. I have attached 2 examples that showcases how to interact with Excel/CSV. The one that is more in tune with what you are looking for is called Get Row Flow. This flow takes in the Excel sheet, gets the row that you specify, and sets the value on the row that you want to specify. I believe this is what you are looking for, if not please let me know. The second example showcases how to use the CSV to list mapping step. This flow creates a new csv file after you have decided to add a new row in the first and second forms. Both of these flow include send email steps in which you will have to put your email to verify the reuslts that you are looking for here.
2. Reading data from a “Check box” control, i.e. knowing whether the Checkbox is checked or not. This request has come in previously. Currently there is a feature request to have this ability, but this is slated for future releases. However; if you edit the settings of the checkbox in excel you can link it to a cell. This cell will now either have TRUE or FALSE depending on if the check box is selected. You can then read this value with Decisions.
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