Title and Gender Rule
I wanted to create a Validation Rule for the below scenario.
Could you please help with this ?
I have two drop down list with static values.
One for Title and other for Gender.Title : Mr,Master,Ms,Miss,Mrs,Rev.Dr
Gender : Male, Female, Transgender, TranssexualI want to prevent user selecting Mr, Master in the title and selecting Female in gender.
Also, prevent selecting Ms, Mrs, or Miss in the title and selecting Male in gender.I tried creating Two different rules. If I use only rule for Male it is working, but if I use for both Male and Female it is not working.
What youll want to do here is use a flow to populate your Gender list. The flow will run a rule that determines which of the three different lists should be displayed depending on what title they chose in the title drop down list. Ive attached an example. Please let me know if this is works for you.
Thank you.
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