Decisions LDAP Connection
Back in March Support assisted me in configuring our various environments to use LDAP for authentication into the Decisions configuration portal. During this configuration, we had only one security group in Active Directory to which all environments authenticated. Since then we have had a few changes and would like to leave all environments configured using the same/original security group except for Prod. We have created a Decisions PROD Admin security group with the appropriate members and would like to configure the PROD environment to use this security group instead of the original group. I see have no problem changing this group in the LDAP configuration of Decisions however I need to know if removing the original group and adding a new group will require a restart of the service or if there are any other concerns of which I should be aware.
Please let me know your thoughts.
[font=Roboto, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]When adding a new group and removing an existing group in your AD settings then running an AD sync, the account changes will take place immediately. Accounts from the old AD group will be deactivated within the Decisions server as well and will immediately kick out an account if it is from the group that was removed and still logged into the server.[/font]
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