SQL RAW STEP wont work
Hello !
So Im using a SQL RAW STEP that wont do what i want.
This is the Input (using Merge Plain Text) :
[color=rgb(11, 117, 0)][font=Roboto, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]DELETE FROM CarShare_Datatypes_Driver_Request_DriverRequestTimerDB WHERE CarShare_Datatypes_Driver_Request_DriverRequestTimerDB.id=16
The step dont "fail" but is "done" but this element is not deleted !
Even though when i use the same Query in Query editor, it work..Thank you in advance for your help
That table probably has a delete trigger to protect you from yourself. If your type is a regular data type, try an update statement that sets deleted to 1.
Howdy, Stranger!
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