Updating data by Entity ID
I am working on a Complaint system that has several different parts. I want the end result of all parts to update the same line in the report, so I’m assuming I need to do that by the Entity ID that Decisions automatically makes. I built a flow that sends the acknowledgement for the complaint (2nd part), and put the step Get Complaints by ID, but I’m not sure how to map the correct ID in. Is this something I can help you with?
How is this flow run and what data structure are you using to save/update this data?
If you would like to edit an Entity data structure row in a report, I would suggest creating an entity action. With entity actions, you can right click data in your report to edit same line in your report. In this case, you do not need the Entity ID, because an entity actions inputs include the data in the row (under Entity). This method works for other types of data structures as well.
If this flow is run as a subflow elsewhere, you will need to fetch the Entity ID from the main flow in some way. An example for fetching this data would be from a Fetch Entities step instead of a Get by ID step.More information about entity actions can be found on our documentation page here: [url=https://documentation.decisions.com/enable-entity-actions-flow/]https://documentation.decisions.com/enable-entity-actions-flow/[/url]
More information about the fetch entities step can be found on our documentation page here: [url=https://documentation.decisions.com/retrieving-entities-with-the-fetch-entities-flow-step/]https://documentation.decisions.com/retrieving-entities-with-the-fetch-entities-flow-step/[/url]Thank you.
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