Hi there,
We are building several forms which will be part of a website and we need to translate them according to the language of the current user (guest user).
Our best option would be to have an input that will gather the info returned by a choice on the website.
I would like to understand where we stand with Decisions fully supporting the translation of all form controls as this has been an ongoing issue for some time, including the ability to translate error messages without having to create custom validation rules for every required control. We really need a satisfactory resolution as we have around 15 forms lining up ready to be translated, and this is just the first batch.Thanks.
Here is the documentation link for Translation : [url=][/url]
Thank you.
Hi, \r\n\r\nthere are several Decisions own messages that appear in english by default. For example below, in the lower screen dialog box where the expression \"Manage\" appears, and then \"Delete Folder\
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