Datetime Format
Is there any way to change the datetime format on Decisions to be dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm?
It sounds like this can be solved by changing your culture setting to the culture that uses that particular format. (Perhaps UK English format?)
This setting can be found under System > Settings > Portal Settings. Find the Default Culture property under Globalization Settings" and search for the particular culture you want. (I just did a quick search and UK English format is found under "en-GB
The solution provided didn’t change to the format mentioned after the restart. As per Pfizer requirements, the date and time specifications is dd-MMM-yyyy and 24hr time format. For example: 28-Nov-2017 13:00. I was able to change the datetime format on reports and forms created but throughout the application the datetime format is mm/dd/yyyy and the time is not 24hr format.
This is how the portal settings are currently.
Thank you.
I have checked with the team and, unfortunately, it seems there are currently no ways to change the datetime format in the Decisions application beyond whats affected by changing the Portal Settings or individual Account Settings.
But we are aware of this discrepancy and the team is working on this.
Thank you.
Thank you.
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