Snapshot of Reports

Snapshot of Reports


  • [font=Roboto, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Hi,[/font]

    I need some documentation or information on the function report snapshot and how to use it and manipulate it in a flow.

  • [url=]Report Snapshot[/url] type names follow the structure: Run[YourReportName]. They can be fetched using a fetch entities step, and used for mapping, passed into forms, etc. If you plan to use this for auditing or historical report data, you may find a scheduled job using Run Report steps and possibly a user-defined type with a file data property to save the report output. You could then create a form to display a list of saved reports and the data from the selected report. I have created a small demo project using report snapshots and a flow that fetches the snapshot data. Report Snapshots are an older feature and will require a little bit more work to accomplish what youve described. This example project has a form to display historical data saved in a user-defined type as well as logic for a scheduled job that would create an instance of these objects for every report outside of the System folder.

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