Technical enquiry - HTTP status codes using API in
[font=Calibri, sans-serif]Hi all, is it possible to return different http codes based on flow outcomes? We seem to always return 200 irrespective of completion/error. I assume it’s by design but was wondering whether there were hooks to override it.[/font]
[font=Roboto, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Custom response codes and error messages can be returned to any system connecting to Decisions via a REST call by utilizing Throw API Exception steps in your flow(s). This step allows you to specify a response code and error message to return whenever your flow leads to that step. I have created a small example flow that takes an int as input and returns a 500 response along with an error message whenever the int does not equal 1. Feel free to import, review, or modify it at your convenience.[/font]
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