Format Excel Row
I have an excel file with multiple wooksheets, i need to add formatting (bold, backcolor) to each header row in each worksheet. Is there a way todo this?
We do have steps that format Excel files.
These steps can be found under Integration>Excel and CSV>styling.Additional information on these steps can be found int eh following document
[url=][/url] -
How do you handle it on multiple worksheets? Also, have 25 columns, can we loop thru the columns dynamically?
If you already have an excel file with Multiple worksheets, it would be best to set the Formatting on the Excel outside of Decisions and use the FIle as a template. The Excel styling steps work for single worksheets.
The Excel file is being generated in decisions flow from form submission data. So i dont have an existing Excel file to use as the tabs are dynamic. Would there be a way to do this based on when the worksheet is added? I have attached the exported flow and screen shot.
[img]att1[/img] -
I am going to create a ticket, so I can look into this more for you.
Howdy, Stranger!
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