Excel Report Export on multiple tabs
I have a request to export a report on multiple tabs. Is there a way to export report data on multiple tabs in Excel? Basically the data needs to be filtered by a field and added to separate tabs.
Hello Christopher,
In Decisions, we can create an excel file, along with adding separate worksheets to the file. The steps can be found under Data -> Integration -> Excel and CSV. Ive attached an example project that can be used as a guide. The project takes in an excel file, which can be a copy of the original report as an excel file.
[i]edited by anthony.ben@decisions.com on 8/17/2020[/i] -
Thanks i will give this a shot.
Here is what i ended up with. this will loop thru the report and create a new tab everytime it sees a new BU. Assumption is that the report is sorted by BU.
Howdy, Stranger!
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