How to switch Async Flow to Sync Flow?
I have created a Data Flow on a Form. At some point the Element Attribute switches the flow from Sync
to Async:
I think this is a causing an issue when the Data Flow is told to run during the Form Session. Is there a way to change this Element Attribute from Async to Sync? This would help me determine if my issue is related to this.
[i]edited by mdorsey on 8/12/2020[/i]
[i]edited by mdorsey on 8/12/2020[/i] -
The element attributes change when certain modifications are made to the Flow. To change the element attributes back to what it was, we need to make the required changes to the Flow. These modifications can be removing the steps that run async such as the GoTo Step step or something similar. I can let you know those steps if you can share with us the data flow.
Thanks -
I went into my flow and deleted the async step. This step wasnt important to the core function of the flow so it was safe for me to delete. I then saved and closed the flow. The Element Attribute is now sync.
Thank you, that was exactly what I wanted to do.
As a side note, my Data Flow issue appears to be fixed. Fantastic!
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