Merge Plain Text / Merge HTML Text
Hi, I have an issue with HTML text used for the Body of an email. Im missing some word or words in the first line when that email is received. I tried with Plain Text but there I have problems with new lines. Any help on this? Thank you!
If youre missing some words in the first line, it may be worth going over your code to make sure that all the opening brackets ( < ) meet their appropriate closing brackets ( > )
If youre experiencing issues with adding in line breaks, I would first try to insert the HTML line break ( < br > ).
If that doesnt work, try adding in a "
" to create a line break.
If the above doesnt work, can you share some of the code?
Please ensure that all sensitive information is removed before sharing.
[i]edited by Alex Bestoso on 8/6/2020[/i]
[i]edited by Alex Bestoso on 8/6/2020[/i] -
I will try with that, but is there a way to add a line break when merging Plain Text?
[i]edited by Bojan on 8/6/2020[/i] -
In some situations, you can use "
" to add a line break with merge plain text.But because this is being added into an email, it may not work.
I recommend using the HTML editor
[i]edited by on 8/6/2020[/i] -
Is there some documentation on using HTML editor?
Heres some documentation that explains how to append HTML lines using string builder :
[/url]If youre still having trouble with the html editor not displaying the first bits of text, run your flow through the debugger and upload a screen shot of the merge texts output.
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