items not showing in report for user group

items not showing in report for user group


  • Hello,
    we have a page with a report on it. We run a flow for the source and build a flow structure for the report. You can click on records to run the assignment. Everything works for our designers and admins. There are 2 folders 1 that has all the source files for the assignment and everything related to the dashboard and then a second folder that the dashboard page is set on so that the users can view it. I have given the group who will use this full permissions on both folders, they are also set as the assignee on the form that has the assignment. The user group that will be using it can view the page and the tiles but the report is empty (again it is not empty for designers and admin). To verify that the assignment is getting set to the group I had them open the assignment via url and it works fine when they are in the group and does not show when removed from the group. We have done this on a couple of projects in the past without incident. I cant figure out why the report does not show records to the group in question. Is there a setting on the reports somewhere to say what groups can use it? or have you seen this behavior before?

  • Hi Jeremy,

    Do you have any defined filter on the report?

  • Yes we do. We have a filter for site number. This filter is a string and I have it set to show all records if filter value is empty. It is runtime editable. I had the users screen share with me and I confirmed that there is no value set for the filter.I also tried giving the user designer permissions and having them refresh the page and then remove them and refresh again so that I could confirm that the filter was not the issue since I have had issues with people having a space as a filter in the past. The records do show up when I give them designer and go away when I remove designer and have them refresh the page.

  • Hi Jeremy,

    The report record visibility can be affected by either folder permissions or report filters. Apparently, you have the correct setup in terms of permissions and filters. I think we need to troubleshoot the issue on platform and see what can be the root cause. Is it possible to create a support ticket for the issue? That way we can do a screen share and find the root cause.


  • Hello,
    I will open as soon as I am able to reproduce the issue. I normally have my coworker log in and I change his permissions to reflect a normal user but he is currently on vacation. I put in a ticket to get a test account setup that will work with single sign on. Once I have test account or my coworker returns (whichever is first) I will open the ticket. Thank you for the help.

  • Sorry for the delay. They got a test account set up for me. I have opened ticket. Ticket Number: T-031310 . Thanks

  • I closed the ticket, I found the issue while playing with it this morning. I did not realize that external database connection strings set up in the integrations section need to have permissions for users set on it.

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