Viewing dashboards as non-admin
We are having some issues with items in a report only showing for admins and designers. I am trying to fix them but I am an admin so I can see everything with no issue. We moved to single sign on so I can no longer use a second account to test permissions. I know there is the impersonation feature but that seems to grant you more permissions not remove existing ones. Is there a way to make it so that I can view things as a specific user group rather then as the admin without actually removing my admin privileges?
I believe that the best way to test user permissions would be to have an account dedicated to running as a standard user.
As for the issue with the report. The following may help fix the problem.
The issue may be that your report is in a designer folder..
Standard users cant access designer folders by design. So if you need to grant a non-admin account access to the report, you must make sure that your content is being viewed using a standard folder.
You can also set the permissions of that folder and report so that it only allows access to a single user group.
With the permissions set, you will only need to add the desired user to the group that the folder is associated with.
The above information assumes that the report is being viewed via a Dashboard/Page.
Is this the case?
[i]edited by on 8/4/2020[/i] -
Thank you. I will see if they can set me up a second account for the single sign on. As far as the other issue, the folder is a normal folder and the group can actually see the page with the tiles and the report. The report just does not show any of the records. I opened another thread about it when I could not make any leeway: [url=][/url]
Are you using a flow execution extension to generate your report?
If so, you may need to modify the folder permissions of the folder storing the process data.
Can you confirm if this folder has the correct group permissions and that its a standard folder, not a designer folder?
Ensuring that the process data is accessible should allow other users to see the content of the report.
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