Set PDF Form Fields
I try to use the function, but when insert the PDF file into PDF File Example and PDF File fields, nothing happes and nothing is displayed in PDF Fields Definition field.
The PDF file Im trying to insert is a form and has fields to fill out.
Can you please confirm you are uploading a PDF form in the PDF File Example field? If so, can you please share the PDF form over here so that we can review it and find the reason for fields not showing up.
It is most likely that fields are not defined in the PDF form but we cannot be 100% sure unless we review the Form. -
I found a way to change this PDF to fillable file but I want to lock him after I fill it out (that no one will be able to edit it again after). Do you have any idea?
You can pass your PDF file into the Make PDFDocument Read Only step. This will change your PDF document into a read-only document and will prevent users from editing it. Please refer below posts for more details:
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