Displaying Database Dependencies on Form
Heres our case:
In our database there is information about contacts and subcontracts. We need to display this dependency on the form (something like a tree, where one contract can have multiple subcontracts). However, these must be separate elements as we need to have a checkbox near each subcontract.
In the database, subcontract and contracts have separate table and we are linking them via ID.
Attached is a sample project in which we have two data structures (Contract & Subcontract) and a flow that organizes (sub)contract data so that it is displayed in a hierarchical format on the form. To accomplish this structure, we used a mixed type repeater with two user controls. One control to display contract data (per our example, we are only displaying contract name) and the other to display subcontract data plus a checkbox for each subcontract.
If you would like to use the current project as is, you would need to create data for the contract and subcontract data structures. These steps are already in the main flow.
Note: the data type associated with subcontract data will need a boolean data field in order to display them as needed. Please let me know if you have any questions/ concerns. Happy to assist further, if needed.
[i][b]Please Note:[/b] The examples attached were developed to be instructional, and were not developed as officially supported components. For more information or to engage our service team to develop fully supported, production quality solutions, please contact: services@decisions.com [/i]
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