Grouping items by ID

Grouping items by ID


  • Hello All,

    Is there a way to add a numeric column (say payments) based on the ID column, kind of like a group by in a flow? I currently have a list of these items and want to calculate them in a flow.

  • Hello Sam,

    we can use the "For Each in Group" step to sort the objects, and the follow with a nested foreach step/loop. The "For Each in Group" step will allow to sort the objects based on a field we defined, such as the ID for the objects. This will divide the main list into sublists, which can be used for the nested foreach loop. The nested foreach loop will contain the logic we need to find the total value for each group. Ive added screenshots below that shows an example flow, along with the inputs/outputs we can set for the "For Each In Group" Step


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