As a hosted customer, how do upgrades work?
What is the current process for upgrading decisions? Do we as the clients have to ask for an upgrade and then schedule it with you since we are hosted?
Hello, No problem at all. The current process is that when youre ready to upgrade, you will submit a support ticket requesting the upgrade with the following information points:
Which server/servers you want to be upgraded
Which version you want to be upgraded to
When you would like us to perform the grade
[ul][li]For this one, we require a time frame since service will be interrupted while the upgrade occurs. [/li][/ul]- I will send an example of what this request traditionally looks like and you can use this as a template:
We would like the following server [b][/b] upgraded to version [b]6.9.0[/b] on[b] 5.29.2020.[/b] Please run the upgrade [b]between the following hours: 5:30pm and 11:00pm EST [/b]
Howdy, Stranger!
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