Create Approval Chain from within flow
I have a database structure named ApprovalTable containing the following data:
[u]AppID[/u] [u]Level[/u] [u]EmailAddress[/u]
425 1
425 1
425 2 User2@domian.comCan you provide an example of how I can dynamically create an Approval Chain by passing the AppID?
Thanks in advance!
Hello Patrick,
I have a basic example here that takes the selections off of a set of forms and uses them to dynamically populate the user/group that the assignment is assigned to. For this example in the truth table I used the group that was selected from the initial assignment as the result to designate which group would get the second assignment, however depending on the business logic you are using, your truth table may look differently.
[i]*Please Note: The examples attached were developed to be instructional, and were not developed as officially supported components/code. For more information or to engage our service team to develop fully supported, production quality solutions, please contact:[/i]
Thanks, Mike. This is exactly what I was looking for.
Howdy, Stranger!
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