Fast File Writer
For the set of steps, FFW, Write, and Close. I try to capture all errors in my flows. However, in the three flows I use the FFW I keep running into an issue where the writer is already in use.
There are two main reasons, I have many people using the same flow and the file writer in each ‘compete’. This I can trap and avoid for the most part. I will be replacing this with a database entry so I can avoid collisions.
The second way is that a file gets locked and does not get unlocked until the service is restarted. This one is my issue. We need a way to be able to ‘see’ all FFW and even use one across instances of the same flow.
First, can I ‘send’ the FFW into a sub-flow, this way if I ERROR out in the sub-flow my ‘parent’ flow will still close the writer.
Second, should I create a table in Decisions to track each FFW or should I just make a logging table (DataSet)?
[font=Roboto, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The type FastFileWriter can be used in a declaration of a composite type. A simple data structure can be leveraged to avoid collisions, save writes for a later time, or execute them in bulk. I have created a small project demonstrating the use of a database structure to more easily work with FastFileWriters.[/font]
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