Accessing Physical Path on Server from a Flow
Hi Team,
We are trying to install an application in the Decisions server. Below are the details we want to know.
- How can we access physical path of the Decisions server from the Decisions flow.
- If not possible from flows, Can we access the physical path from the Modules.
- Can we execute Dos commands in the server through Flows/Module.
Thank you in advance!
[i]edited by maxwell3000 on 7/22/2020[/i] -
Hi there,
It may help better to know the full use case.
In the Flow Designer there are steps under Integration > File (or Files) that have access to the physical path. This would depend on what youre trying to do. The Run Command Line Program On File step will allow you to run DOS commands.
We also have a PowerShell module that will allow execution of Powershell scripts from a flow. Likewise, there exists a R Module used to run R script via a flow.
Heres some helpful Documentation:
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