Excel: Set Formula Value not working
I have an excel template and I need to do
1. Add integer value to some cells, aligned in 1 column
2. Put SUM formula to a cell to automatically sum value of these cellsI use Set Formula Value step to create SUM formula but it looks like it doesnt work. The final excel file looks the same as its template so it looks to be doing nothing at all. Am I missing something? Any advice?
Hey there,
You will need to add another Excel step, [b]Update File With Data[/b], in order to properly update the excel file. I have attached a sample project to aid in showing how this should be set up. Hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any questions/ concerns.
[b][i]Please Note:[/i][/b] [i]The examples attached were developed to be instructional, and were not developed as officially supported components. For more information or to engage our service team to develop fully supported, production quality solutions, please contact: services@decisions.com [/i]
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