Help using Folder extension data.
I’m able to create the extension data, but having difficulty mapping flow data into the structure. Would also like to report on this data.
I need to understand how to map the data into the structure and also how to reference the data in a report I’m trying to design for flow tracking. -
Here is some documentation that you may find useful.
It walks you through how to create a flow execution structure and report on it.I have attached a small sample utilizing the Flow Execution structure and how to use extension data with the Setup Process Folder step.
Steps in Example:
1)Create a Flow Execution Extension with parameters that you would like such as string and integer fields.
2)Create a flow. Inside of this flow create a basic form that has a text box and number box so that it will map into your extension data on process folder.
3)On setup process folder step, you will want to choose a parent folder to house your process data, select the option for Use Extension Data & pick your type.
4)After selecting your type, you will do Build Data on Extension Data on Setup Process folder and map in your variables from form. You can follow the setup process folder with set states so that you can monitor your process. After this, place same for after step and assign to someone.
5)Run your process now and you will see the process data in the parent folder you have assigned it.
6)Create a report with the Flow execution extension data source you created. Bring in relevant fields that you would like to see.Let me know if you need any other clarifying questions answered.
[i]edited by Akshada on 11/23/2017[/i]
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