Merge multiple Excel Files
How can I merge multiple Excel files into a single file and get the different files as different worksheets in the merged file? I can see the Add Worksheet step but unable to use it correctly.
Along with the Add Worksheet step, we need to use steps like Set Values In Row and Update File With Data to populate the data in the added worksheet.
We need to loop all the files using the ForEach step. In the loop of the ForEach step, use the Get Worksheet Name From Index step to get the name of the files and set them as the worksheet names. Introduce the Add Worksheet step ahead of the For Each Excel Or CSV Row step to loop each row of a file and set that values in rows of the added worksheet using the Set Values In Row step.
Under the inputs of the Set Values In Row step, for input names values, we need to set the mapping type to Build Array and add a maximum number of columns expected in the excel file.[img]att1[/img]
I have created an example that demonstrates the merging of excel files. Please import, review, and modify it as you wish.
[i]edited by on 8/20/2020[/i]
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