2 questions
I am trying to display emails that I have pulled from an email account in a form but
I am not sure what Data step to use this ?Also, do you have a list of all your data steps with explanations of what they do ?
I understand that this feature will be coming out in the next release but I would be content right now with just an excel spreadsheet I can reference. -
If you use Email Event in Decisions to pull emails from an email account, you can use the Flow that is tied to that particular Event to do whatever you want with email data that comes in as an input to that Flow when the event is raised. You can store that data or create a task with that data. Moreover, you can create an assigned Form using that email data. To display it on the Form, you can use Data Grid component on the form and pick a data type that will fit your expectations (it may be EmailData type in this case). You can refer these documents in this case: [url=http://documentation.decisions.com/creating-an-email-event-and-flow-that-uses-email-data/]http://documentation.decisions.com/creating-an-email-event-and-flow-that-uses-email-data/[/url]
Second, unfortunately Steps helping assistance feature is not implemented yet.
Howdy, Stranger!
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