Renaming Decisions Server

Renaming Decisions Server


  • Hi,

    We would like to rename our Decisions servers. Can the software handle the name change, or do we need to change anything in the software before doing so?


  • Hi,

    You need to follow the below steps for renaming server or database name change. Please remember to take a backup before proceeding as a precaution.

    • Stop Service Host Manager Watcher.
    • Stop Service Host Manager.
    • Rename the Database / Server.
    • Run the Decisions Installer → ensure Change Settings On Update is checked and Update.
    • Specify the new Database name / Server name in the Database Setup stage during the Installer.

    This should update your Decisions installation to run against the renamed Database/Server.

    This process may cause your Scheduled Jobs to stop from running. To fix this, youll need to do the process defined here

    Also, if you have renamed your Server you might need to renew your license.



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