Does decisions create an implicit SQLtransaction?
I created a simple stored procedure using SQL Server 2016 EE.
The implementation isAppendToLog() --takes less than 1 millisecond INSERT INTO Table1() --Takes around 30 seconds AppendToLog() --takes less than 1 millisecond INSERT INTO Table2() --Takes around 30 seconds AppendToLog() --takes less than 1 millisecond
Then I added it to Decisions, using create datatype/integration/add procedure.
Then I added an empty workflow just to execute to stor proc.I noticed that, as long as the workflow is running, the log table is not accessible.
I checked the locks and I saw an X-lock on the table.
I could read the log table from a different connection only changing the transaction isolation level to read uncommitted.I am not using the transaction steps
( )I executed the stored procedure in SQL Server management studio and it didnt lock the log table.
I didnt see in the workflow on in the decisions-stored procedure any option about transactions.How can I prevent decisions from creating a transaction?
Daniel -
did you ever find an answer to this?
I had a meeting with your developers.
They confirmed that the transactions are created implicitly.
They agreed that in situations like mines this is inappropriate.
New steps or options will be added in a future release.In the meantime, I found a workaround. I added table partitioning and guid to allow non-conflicting transactions.
Howdy, Stranger!
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