PII Flag?
PII Flag?
What does the PII flag do when creating a data structure?
[img]https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/e-DxWx0e5vbzYkWkWJV3UyD7AEPItYd4YBIQyOq13lE5lN44hPaQGD4uBHHiEwCCNhQSPq4R2EJIrkdqGER1SGMgO_ovsrwccQJWqilZPtqmSl3W1IC5IJYaHD5j6S-_J3Q1VZ5p[/img] -
The PII flag marks that data field as PII (Personally Identifiable Information). This tells Decisions to encrypt any data that is stored into this data field. This was added recently to keep up with PCI compliance. As a note when using this flag in a data field it will keep the data stored here encrypted even if the flag is disabled later.
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