Passing Files Between Multiple Copies of Same Form
Hi there,
Im trying have a user upload files to a form, then allow another user to access the same form and either add more files or remove files the previous user uploaded. However, whenever I try to pass in data into the "File Upload" area, it doesnt seem to show it when I go into the form. I want to let my users have the ability to add more files or delete previously uploaded files from accessing the same form. How can I do this?
Youll need to store the files uploaded on the FileUploadArea in a table and fetch them and pass them as input to the form so that any other user accessing the form can review them. Looks like this request will require a call to review the setup and suggest you a solution. Currently, I see that you are using a Gmail account. Can you please reach out with your official account to us at with your query so that we can address it?
Heres an example you can use as well!
Howdy, Stranger!
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