Can flow continue while waiting for user input?
I have a For Each step inserting records into a database, setting up a process folder, and showing a form to the user. Showing the form to the user is really slowing down the flow because it is waiting for the user to complete the task in the form before it continues to the next record. Is it possible for the rest of the flow to continue while waiting for the assigned user to complete their task?
[i]edited by madcook on 8/8/2023[/i] -
Yes, this can be done utilising the Start Linked Flow Async step. Replace your Show Form step with the Start Linked Flow Async step. In your ASYNC Sub Flow, you will need to pass in the Process Folder ID and pass it into the Folder ID of an Attach To Folder step. This step is necessary because the ASYNC Sub Flow does not know about the Process Folder you created in the Parent flow. Then, you will be able to use the Show Form step.
Yes, you can optimize the flow by decoupling the form display from the rest of the process. Instead of waiting for user input, initiate the form asynchronously in a separate thread or process. [url=][color=#ffffff]LiveTheOrangeLife Login[/color][/url]
[i]edited by Adamhudson on 8/22/2023[/i]
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