Can User Cancel Task While Pending Approval?
My flow has a user submit a form to be approved by a manager. While it is waiting for approval it is in a "pending approval" state. How can I make it so that the user that submitted the form can cancel the task while it is pending approval?
This can be achieved using Assignment Action Outcome on Assigned Forms and the Process Form Assignment Response step.
Set up Assignment Action Outcome on Assigned Form
- Click on the show form step in your flow that is showing the user the form to fill out.
- In the properties tab, find "Assignment Setup" and click edit.
- Scroll all the way to the bottom and add an action under "Additional Assignment Actions."
- Give the action an outcome name and an action name such as "Request Canceled."
- Edit the new action and check the boxes for "Allow Group Action" and "Allow Single Action."
- Return to the flow designer and map the new outcome path.
Setup Process Form Assignment Response step
- Located under Integration > Internal Services > Assignment
- Depending on your flow, a fetch entities step may be needed to access the Assignment ID.
- The assignment ID should be mapped into the step
- Set the response field to a constant and name it the same value given to the Assignment Action Outcome.
[i]edited by kathryn.britt on 7/26/2023[/i]
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