Restrict Permissions in shared environment
Hello, is there a way to restrict permissions and views for users in a group that we intend to share our environment with?
Yes, go to \"[b]Create DataTypes/Integrations\" > \"Configuration Extension\"[/b]. These are different ways to configure a Decisions environment. Click on one of the three options and from there we get to a drop-down menu where we can search for a Decisions default type by typing a few letters. Once we find the type we want, we can click on the name and create a configuration folder for that type. This is where we can add in new user actions, action visibility rules, etc. We can configure much of the Decisions environment in this manner. For example, you'd likely want to disable your restricted group from being able to create root folders. To do this, you would need to create a visibility rule in your configuration extension. We can directly do so by specifying what group we want to hide it for, in my example I am hiding it for the \"Restricted group\
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