Report Data Source Flow With Input Data

Report Data Source Flow With Input Data


  • We have a report using a flow as a data source. The flow has input data used for the fetch step within the flow. This input variable appears on the report designer under Configuration on the data source settings, but there does not seem to be a way to specify this data when using the Run Report step.

    Is there any way to assign input data using the Run Report step for a dynamic report?

  • I have only seen inputs exposed on the Run Report step when a Runtime Editable Filter is added to a report.

    Id expect that this would work in a similar fashion with flow inputs, but it seems to only have the following inputs on Run Report step:

    If the input for the flow is being used to apply a fetch criteria, I would recommend applying these filters in the Report Designer. Be sure to make filters runtime editable and that input will be available on the Run Report step.

  • I was not able to replicate that behavior using a runtime editable filter and the Run Report step in version 5.16. My data source was Account Data Source and my runtime editable filter was First Name Equals.

    Is this functionality only available in a newer version?

  • Yes, this feature will only be available in 6.x. Once upgraded, you should see input for the runtime filter on the Run Report step.

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