Form Layout Help
I have a Form with multiple Tabs already built out for prototype by Decisions Consultant with Header, Body, Footer. I need to finalize the data on the Form by
- adding in between rows to add more fields
- extending the Body region because of the above
- adding/copying Header section to all Tabs
Are these possible to do? Any help is appreciated.
Thanks! -
1) The best way to accomplish this would be to use the Advanced Layout - edit action in the Form Designer. Keep in mind that adding a row in between other rows can cause a shift in how form controls are placed.
[img]att1[/img]2) The Body Region of the form can be extended using the up/down arrows on the region.
[img]att2[/img]3) Right clicking the section has copy and paste action that can be used across tabs.
Howdy, Stranger!
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